Paste the following into the obank constants System Management > System Maintenance > Constant Forms > oBank Constants OBNKNOTIFY Email address to send reauth not OBNKSTDAYS Create a new statement every X d 7 OBNKURL The A-Record of the oBank. livecust Paste the following into the odata transaction types: System Management > Database Interface > oData Transaction Types TRN oBank Transaction P ZOBNK_LOADTRANS ACC oBank Accounts P ZOBNK_SETID SYN oBank Sync Complete P OBNK_SYNC REA oBank Reath Request P OBNK_REAUTH UPD oBank Updated Transactions P OBNK_UPDATETRANS DEL oBank Delete transactions P OBNK_DELETETRANS Allow access for the following forms for the API: System Management > System Maintenance > Software Licences > Limited Access/API Forms ZODA_LOAD oData Loading Form ZODA_TRANS oData Transations You will have to restart the IIS.